Chicken Schedule
Chicks Available February - April & September-Prices Subject to Change! Call to confirm arrival of chicks!
2025 Chicken Schedule!
Ready by 9 am on day of arrival.-Prices Subject to change!
Priced listed is price per bird.
02/21/25 – Friday **Delayed Shipping!**
- 25 Speckeld Sussex Pullets
- 25 Gold Laced Wyandotte Pullets
- 25 Rhode Island Red Pullets
- 25 Black Jersey Giant Pullets
$ 6.50
03/07/2025-Friday ** Chicks are here!**
- 25 Assorted Giant Cochin Pullets-$10.50
- 25 Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Pullets-$6.50
- 25 Rhode Island Red Pullets-$10.50
- 5 Mottled Houdan Pullets-$6.50**Didn't arrive**
- 5 Cayuga Ducks-$12.50**Didn't arrive**
03/14/25 – Friday
- 25 Blue Jersey Giant Pullets - $6.50
- 25 Mottles Java Pullets - $10.50
- 25 Sicilian Buttercup Pullet - $13.00
03/20/25 –Thursday **Bantam Day!**
- 6 Silver Duckwing Old English Bantam -$7.25
- 4 Blue Frizzle Bantam - $7.25
- 5 Blue Rosecomb Bantam - $7.25
- 5 Black Rosecomb Bantam - $7.25
- 5 Red Frizzle Cochin Bantam - $7.25
- 25 Mixed Silky Bantam Pullets - $7.25
- 25 Assorted Bantams - $7.25
03/28/25 – Friday
- 25 French Blue Copper Maran Pullets - $10.50
- 25 French Blue Cuckoo Maran Pullets - $13.50
- 25 Blue Jersey Giant Pullets - $6.50
- Russian Orloff Pullets - $13.50
04/11/25 –Friday
- 25 White Leghorn Pullets - $6.50
- 25 Blue Australorp Pullets - $6.50
- 25 Light Brahma Pullets - $6.50
04/17/25 – Thursday
- 5 Broad Breasted White Turkeys - $13.50
- 5 Broad Breasted Bronze Turkeys - $15.50
- 5 Royal Palm Turkeys - $21.50
- 5 Blue Slate Turkeys - $21.50
04/18/25 – Friday
- 25 Rhode Island Red Pullets - $6.50
- 25 Buff Orpington Pullets - $6.50
- 25 Olive Egger Pullets - $6.50
- 25 Cuckoo Maran Pullets - $6.50
04/25/25 – Friday
- 25 Rhode Island Red Pullets - $6.50
- 25 Partridge Plymouth Rock Pullets - $6.50
- 25 California Grey Pullets - $6.50
- 25 Delaware Pullets - $6.50
09/11/25 – Thursday
- 25 Cream Legbar Pullets - $10.50
- 25 Speckled Sussex Pullets - $6.50
- 25 Production Blue Pullets - $6.50
- 25 Buckeye Pullets - $6.50
Our poultry is produced under supervision of the NPIP and accepted practices are used. However, we have no control over circumstances after they leave the hatchery. They do blood test but make no guarantees as to any other types of salmonella. We assume no liability for the continuing health of our poultry or humans with which they come into contact. Under no circumstances are we liable for more than the original purchase price. Confirmation means that we confirm receiving the order. We will notify the customer in the event an order will be delayed or can not be filled due to circumstances beyond our control. However, we will give are best efforts to fulfill this order.